After nearly three years, I've finally finished all the elements of Half-life, which I suppose I can now put aside until I have another half of life to write about. That should be around 2044, by current calculations.With some extra time on my hands, I've been doing a little housecleaning around the site. I got rid of the old pop-up boxes on Joel Fauré: the Melancholy Male Model. These days, everyone has pop-up blockers, which makes the story impossible to follow. I also polished up some old code that made text GIANT in Safari on stories like Glory and the Golden Apple. (Safari didn't exist when this site was founded in 1995.) Since I've always coded from hand, things can also go a bit wonky when browsers get upgraded, including Internet Explorer. That said, Windows-based machines will still play the old voices files from the classic stories, while Macs will not. So that's the past in order. Now, where should this site go in the future? |
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2006, September
2005, February 2005, October
2004, April 2004, July
2003, December 2002, April 2002, June 2000, May 2000, April 2000, March 2000, February 2000,
January 2000, December 1999,
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1999, September 1999, Summer 1999, May 1999, April 1999, March 1999, February 1999, December 1998,
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July 1998, June 1998, May 1998, April 1998, March 1998, February 1998, January 1998, December 1997,
November 1997, October
1997, September 1997, August 1997, July 1997, June 1997, May 1997, April 1997, March 1997, February 1997, January 1997,
December 1996, November
1996, October 1996, September
1996, August 1996, July 1996,
June 1996, May 1996, April 1996, March 1996.
Send e-mail to Xander Mellish: xmel_improved @
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