I first arrived in Denmark during the summer - summer 2000, for those who are counting - and one of the things I immediately liked about it was that there was no air conditioning. |
That summer of 2000 was a good education in Danish summers, since it basically never turned up. In June, it was rainy and cold, and people told me it would probably get better in July. In July, the weather was also poor, but the Danes told me you could generally count on August. August came, grey and drizzling, and people started extolling the general glory of September. And so on. I believe there was some sunshine around Christmas of that year.
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The news story is generally pretty thin: this year, I have seen summer herring presented with the shocking news that ice cream bars cost more in convenience stores than in supermarkets, and asked to test the ice cream bars from both places to make sure they really are the same.
Lots of close-up photos of the ice cream bars and bikini tops. You could get angry and call this anti-feminist, but you've got to respect the frustration of men whose girl-watching is limited to parka and sweater-watching for 11 months of the year. (In 2000, all 12 months of the year)
Besides, there is a male version of 'summer herring.' It's called 'strandløver' or 'beach lions'. Beach lions don't appear in the media quite as much, and they don't test out ice cream bars, except maybe in publications directed at a certain special audience.
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You never know how long it's going to last. There's always the chance you might not see it until next year - or, in the case of the summer of 1999, not even then.