The Broken Hearts of Viola Chang
Yitzhak Yitzhak was the result of my attempt to finally go out with a nice guy. After one too many dates with private detectives, hairdressers, and circus performers, and one too many friends telling me I was a fool to go out with private detectives, hairdressers, and circus performers, Yitzhak and his humble job - he repaired computers at my office - seemed like a proper and commendable turn to the practical. He wasn't handsome. He was large and soft, like a dark-haired young Santa Claus, with a big jiggly belly. He had no shame about his size: once, when a group of us were talking about our workout routines, he said proudly, "I never do any of that." Later on in the relationship, when we would come home and progress to the adult entertainment portion of the evening, I would have to be careful about where I looked - from face to neck was okay, but not from neck to stomach, and not from hips to knees - or I risked losing interest immediately. | | | |