Web Writers in the Flesh has one more reading left in its fall series at the Manhattan Internet Lounge, 678 Broadway near West 4th.

Wednesday, December 9th will be our Ladies Night - our very first all-female show!

Six of the web's best female writers will present their work.

And, because the web is so much more than text, we ask each reader to bring something more than just text to their presentation. At our previous readings, some writers have used background music, recorded or live; others created visuals, anything from propping up some household object mentioned in their work to HTML extravaganzas; a few planned interactive surprises.

Admission is $3 - which all goes to renting out the venue - and everyone is welcome. (Men too!)

The show begins at 7:30.

Here's the line-up (not necessarily in order):

Alison Dorfman, newyork.citysearch.com.

Pamela Parker, atnewyork.com.

Kim Ficera, Gays of Our Lives.

"steve brownlee" aka Stephanie McQueen, Lexxicon.com.

The Mighty Kymm, Hedgehog Tales.

Xander Mellish, Five George Washingtons.


Web Writers in the Flesh believes the Web book is a new art form, one with real advantages over its print cousin.

It's immediate - no more two year delay between manuscript and bookstores. It's got features that would be impossible in a traditional bound book - art, audio, and constant reader feedback. And web books' presentation and distribution is completely under the control of writers themselves, something writers have wanted since Guttenberg.

These readings are designed to showcase the wide range of literary talent already working on the Internet.